On Internet people most often search for free Domain and hosting . Specially Students and some web developers try to find some best free Domain and hosting service providers. For them i have gathered some information which may helpful for them. Sometimes some free is not actually free. In case of Hosting, Some services offer free hosting with ads , some take forever for the activation process, some others require users to make a minimum number of posts in some forum before becoming eligible for the service. The ones that we are looking for should be “ as free as possible ”. Free Domain Providers .tk - Free second-level domain from Tokelau . .net.tc – Free third-level domain just like .uk.tc, .us.tc and other domains which can be registered there. .tr.vu – Free third-level and fourth-level domains like .tr.vu and others (similar to previous). .co.cc – Free third-level domain (blocked from Google) .usa.cc -Free third-level domain .cu.cc – Free subdomain. .ce...